Page 172 - Active Skills for Reading Intro Book
P. 172
Unit 9
Chapter 1
compliment /'kompfamant/ v. something nice you say about someone: Jay gave her a compliment
yesterday when he said her dress was nice.
current /'kArant/ adj. happening now: In current events, the president is making a speech about
the new laws.
exchange /iks'tJemdy v. to give something and get something back, to trade: At lunch today,
I exchanged my sandwich for Mike's pasta.
expression /ik'spreJn/ n. a group of words, a statement, an idiom: When you tell someone to
"break a leg," it is just an expression meaning "good luck."
film /film/ n. a movie, a motion picture: The movie theaters on Broadway show the latest films.
perform /par'fo:rm/ v. to act in front of people: The actors performed a play for the queen.
poetry /'pouatri/ n. a written and oral literary form composed in verse, poems in general: Poetry has
been composed since ancient times.
role /roul/ n. a part played by an actor or actress: She plays the leading role in a television show.
create /kri'e1t/ v. to make something in a special way, with skill or artistry: That company created a
new product.
flexible /'fleks1bl/ adj. can bend easily without breaking: She's really flexible! She can bend her legs
over her head.
graceful /'gre1sfal/ adj. moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way, or having a smooth,
attractive shape: A swan is a very graceful animal. Look how it glides smoothly on the water.
lift /hft/ v. to carry something or someone, and put it/them in a higher position: He lifted the box
onto the table.
live /la1v/ adj. not recorded, an actual performance: I like watching live bands.
original /a'nd3anal/ adj. special and interesting because of not being the same as others: That piece
of art is really original. I've never seen anything like it.
performance /par'fa:rmans/ n. an event in which people perform a play, a piece of music, a da.nce,
etc.: I bought two tickets to tonight's performance of Swan Lake.
stage /ste1d3" n. the raised area in a theatre where actors perform: For our school play, we had to
fit the whole class on the stage in the hall.
Vocabulary Index 171