Page 167 - Active Skills for Reading Intro Book
P. 167


         Chapter 1

         club lklAh/ n. a group of people who meet because of a common interest: He belongs to a book
             club that reads and discusses one book each month.
         compete /kom' i:t/ v. to participate in a contest, to vie: Our basketball team competed against
             another team and won.
         originally h'n(B�n�li/ adv. previously, before: He originally came from Florida but lives in
             Chicago now.
         point / :>1nt/ n. a unit of scoring in games: Our team scored seven points in the first quarter.
         spread /s red/ v. to cause something to travel a distance or to many people: The popularity of
             comic trading cards spread rapidly throughout Asia.
         team /ti:m/ n. two or more people working together, especially in sports: Our high school football
             team won the statf[3 championship.
         traditional /trn d1J�nv adj. according to tradition: She is wearing a traditional dress.
         win /wm/ v. to score more points than another person or team, to beat: We win this competition
             every year.


         athlete /'re0li:t/ n. a person who is trained in or has a natural talent for exercises and sports: He
             was an outstanding athlete who played several team sports.
         competitive /kom �t�t1v/ adj. liking to compete: He is very competitive in football; he likes to win.
         divide /d1 va1d/ v. to separate (something into shares): Divide the candy between the two children.
         event h'vent/ n. a competition, a contest: I entered the  1 OK run, an event in which I specialize.
         fan /fren/ n. an admirer: When the rock star appeared on stage, her fans went wild.
         fight /fa1t/ v. to argue, to quarrel: That couple fights continually over (or about) money.
         parents /' er�nts/ n. the mother and father of someone: His parents raised him in New Hampshire.
         tourist /'tunst/ n. a visitor who travels for pleasure: Many tourists go to beach and mountain resorts
             in August.

         166  Vocabulary Index
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