Page 83 - Active Skills for Reading Intro Book
P. 83


                Write a short answer to each of the following questions.

                                 1  Have you ever used the SQR3 method before?
                                    .   .          .   .          .   .   .   .
                                   D  Yes         D  No         D  I'm not sure.
                                 2  Will you practice SQR3 in your reading outside of English class?
                                   o  Yes         D  No          D  1'.m not sure.

                                 3  Do you think SQR3 is helpful? Why or why not?

                                 4  Which of the six reading passages in units 4-6 did you
                                   enjoy most? Why?

                                · 5  Which of the six reading passages ·in units 4-6 was easiest?·
                                   \!Yhic� w�s m9st tjiffic�lt? 'fVhy?
                                   Most difficult:
                                   Why?                            ��··-----·----------
                                ·6  What-have you read in English ·outside of class recently?

                                ·7  Whattime of day rs the best time for you to· read and understand new
                                   ic;:fea� wel.1? 09 YO!J us� th�t tin.,e of day to qo y9ur r:nos� import�nt
                                   reading and studying?

                                 8  How will you try to improve your reading fluency from now on?


         82  Review Unit 2
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