Page 59 - Active Skills for Reading Intro Book
P. 59

Real Life Skill          A  Look at the dictionary entries for the verbs lose and compete.
         Dictionary Usage: Finding    Answer the questions.
         Past Tense Verbs

                                        lose /lu:zl v.  lost /lost/, losing, loses
           The base form of a verb
           (for example, play, fight)   to be defeated (in a competition or war): Our team lost the
           is always in a dictionary.   basketball game.
           The past tense of regular
           verbs (played) and
           irregular verbs (fought)     compete /kom'pi:t/ v. -peted, -peting, -petes
           is always given with the     to participate in a contest: Our basketball team competed
           base form.                   against another team and won.

                                      1  What is the simple past tense of lose and compete?

                                      2  Which verb is regular? ________________ _
                                      3  Which verb is irregular? ________________ _

                                   B  Find the verbs below in your dictionary. Write the past tense form.
                                      Check (II'} if the verb is regular (R) or irregular (I).
                                      /      verb       past tense              R         I   '

                                        1    bring
                                        2    divide

                                        3    drop
                                        4    get
                                        5    go

                                        6    hit
                                        7    kick
                                        8    make

                                        9    score
                                      \.10   throw

         What do you think?

                          1   There are many international sporting events (the World Cup, the Asian Games,
                              the X Games, the Olympics). Which one would you most like to go to? Why?
                          2  There are many famous female athletes. Name three famous female athletes you
                              know. What sports do they play?

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