Page 121 - Active Skills for Reading Intro Book
P. 121
Write a short answer to each of the following questions.
· 1 Looi< again at the vocaburary rearr1ing"tips on p·ages 6-7.
Which of these do you think is most useful? Why? .
. . . . . . .
2 What do you usually do when you find a word you don't know?
. .
. . .
3 Do you think that you can still understand a passage if you skip some
unkriowri wotds? Why or"why"not1
- D· · 4 Which of the"six reading passages in units 7-9·did you.
enjoy most? Why.?
C>· . 5 �hi � h of. the .six �eadtng P.ass�ges. in u_nits. 7-9 .was. easiest�
O· Which was most difficult? Why?
Most difficult:
6 What have you read in English outside· of class recently?
. . . . . . . . . .
7 Are you keeping a vocabulary notebook?
o· 8 How will you try to improve your reading fluency from now on?
120 Review Un,t 3