Page 103 - Active Skills for Reading Intro Book
P. 103

UNIT 8         CHAPTER 2  The Tiffin Men

          Before You Read          A  Think about answers to these questions.
          What's for lunch?
                                      1  Do you bring your lunch to school or work, or do you eat at a restaurant?
                                      2  Look at the passage on the next page and answer the questions.
                                         a  What do you know about India? Can you name any Indian cities?
                                         b  Look at the photo and the word in the search box. What do you think
                                             a dabbawallah is?
                                   B  Discuss your answers with a partner.

          Reading Skill            A  Read the questions and answers below.
                                      1  What do the dabbawallahs do?
                                         a  They work in restaurants.   b  They deliver lunches.
            You scan to find          2  What is another name for the dabbawallahs?
            information fast. When
            you scan, you only look      a  the Mumbai Men            b  the Tiffin Men
            for the information       3  How many dabbawallahs are there?
            you need (words or           a  5,000                     b  200,000
            numbers). You don't       4  Which sentence about the dabbawallahs is true?
            read every word.             a  They are poor.            b  They like to read.
                                      5  What do some dabbawallahs also do?
                                         a  They teach classes.       b  They work in companies.

                                   B  Now scan the passage on the next page to find answers to the
                                      questions in A.

                                   C  Look at the question at the start of the passage. Discuss with a partner.
                                      Use your answers in A.

                                   D  Now read the whole passage. Then answer the questions on page 104.

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